King-Crane: The numbers
As a post-script to our exploration of Dr. Henry Churchill King's work and the deliberate suppression of the King-Crane report, here are key tables that were previously omitted from the presentation of the superlative narrative. These statistical representations of the populations' preferences within the territories surveyed, offer stark quantitative evidence of why they were systematically suppressed. They revealed the in-human objectives of Zionist intent toward those who occupied Palestine. Observing these figures allows us to appreciate the numerical underpinnings of King's findings, illuminates the historical cross-section of Midwestern values and the recurring struggle over information control—from King's era to the renewed wars beginning October 2023.
From its initial engagement with American public policy until this moment Zionism has been dedicated to the nullification of informed consent, the only basis upon which you consider yourselves free men and women and gives meaning to your claim of democracy.
We Will Feel Other Than Personal Losses
Nancy Ancrum, the last great Black presence in mainstream media as Editor of the Miami Herald Editorial page: February 9, 2024. Great in enumerable ways but most significantly in diagnosing the civic malignancies of American journalism, “Last Great..’ because, at last, she stood alone among the class of Black presence in newsrooms dreamed of by Pluria Marshall, Sr., Vernon Jarrett and her mentor, Al Fitzpatrick: principled, civically conscious, situationally aware and brave. She possessed and exhibited it all.
And……she gave me space to comment on the shattered institution that is the All-Volunteer Force, years before so-called “Wokiness,” contrived or real, was launched to cover the immoral Wall Street asses…
“Miami Herald, March 23, 2017
Delbert Spurlock
“No Americans have sacrificed more on the altar of our undeclared wars than our veterans and their families.
Their suicide rate is now at 20 per day. It testifies to their betrayal by the United States Government (USG). It threatens the All-Volunteer Force, a perpetual gift to all American families to eliminate the anxieties of compulsory service.
The thousands who have survived the follies and cruelties of presidential wars experience suffering in all its many dimensions: slowed thinking, deficits in attention and concentration, headaches, memory loss, sleep disturbance, irritability of traumatic brain injury and PTSD’s flashbacks, and crippled abilities to control emotions.
Our volunteer Army was summoned into being with the promise that “no mother would ever willingly sacrifice her sons for territorial gain, for economic advantage, for ideology;” and, that the AVF would be supported by a cohesive structure in pursuing honorable objectives with ethical integrity.
It was expected that a volunteer army would be an institution designed not only to better volunteers and upgrade the military, but also to benefit society at large by its network of volunteer connections. These expectations have been selectively unfulfilled or disappointed by our political-military leadership since the end of the Cold War. A broken military and a broken generation have resulted.
Our military structures are now in shambles. Logistics, the most justly celebrated sustainment structure of the American military, is now a contract function for companies flipped on Wall Street alongside Waste Management and Burger King. We have a military that cannot feed itself in the field or in garrison. We have an Army that cannot maintain or move its equipment; and that has marginal capacity to protect itself or gather tactical intelligence. These structures have failed our volunteers for the past 14 years in Iraq and Afghanistan. They subjected them to the toxic burn pits and foreign slave manned “chow lines” of war profiteers.
Our current political leadership has forgotten the scourge of war, the value in its deterrence, and the requirements for the successful societal reintegration of those who sacrificed in fighting the necessary ones in self-defense. We are now a nation willing to commit the honor and bodies of our volunteers to undeclared perpetual imperial wars of occupation. We turn nations into wildernesses and call it nation building or humanitarianism.
Ethics concern the manner, in which an institution conducts itself, how it is used, and what image it has of itself. In former times we honored the value and primacy of rule of law, of professionalism and of human life. To that era, meaning was derived from the pledges of the Atlantic Charter, the Geneva Conventions, the fundamental quest for fairness embodied in the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and the openness which permitted the heroism of Mauldins, Pyles, and Murrows. None of this can be discerned in the present era symbolized by Abu Ghraib, waterboarding, and the bombing of hospitals and marriage celebrations.
The present era dispatched our volunteers to the Middle East in undeclared wars of aggression, unready in training and with no definition of victory other than “we’ll know it when we see it.” The Nation has callously turned its back to their ultimate sacrifice.”
The Chrysler Tank—Still
It was not only the integrity of the All-Volunteer Force
That was betrayed,
The formerly 31 M1-A1’s in possession of the Ukrainians
Brought on-line by the powers that were in ‘75
Before a Democrat could decide
That the Chrysler option, too heavy, too complex to maintain,
Too life cycle costly, too operationally bewildering
To the Reasoned Analytics of Aberdeen
But mainly it was such that Chrysler needed
That line of cash--faults unseen
Especially to the troops who would never know
What they were missing
Now Ukies do
Two years after the fielding of the M-1, there were still no official operational or maintenance training manuals, fielding support manpower structure was still being debated, and two of the four crew members engaged in operational testing were graduates of Baltimore Poly High School—beyond smart and empowered. Unique to the Army of 1983.
The Army, and DOD generally, was finally forced to address failures to consider the effectiveness, survivability, and sustainment of the soldier in the development of its systems in Manpower Estimate Regulations. Now complete with an enormous bureaucracy. But no Abrams can ever be effective as a tank without the 30 thousand German nationals maintaining it.
A Living Loss
The veterans of our Afghan/Iraq more than any other American War suffer the debilitating effects of executing immoral commands. America may one day honor those that resist.
Bushnell’s 64
I am an active duty member of
the US Air Force, and I will no
longer be complicit in genocide
I'm about to engage in an
extreme act of protest, but
compared to what people have
been experiencing in Palestine
at the hands of their colonisers,
it's not extreme at all.
This is what our ruling class has
decided will be normal.
Free Palestine!
On to Black Agency
BUSHNELL’S 64, as well as “The Letter,’ will be among the catalye of a renewed America if it survives. As “The Letter” gains new signatories, Oberlin’s African American students have spoken to the issue in the tradition of Oberlin’s challenge to inhumanity.
To them, perhaps, a larger test awaits; the necessary challenge to call out the failures of African- American Security leadership. The judgment of virtually all our post-cold war security leadership can be called in to question. Two African-American men now lead our Armed Forces. They are in a very difficult circumstance, not because of their color, but because of the judgments men and women of color made who preceded them. They must not compound the consequences of those judgments.
Much is currently being fed into our consciousness about possible nuclear warfare in the European Theater of conflict: we are much more likely to spiral into nuclear exchange in the Middle East Theater of absurdities.
Currently, there are some 30, or so, American out-posts in Jordan, Iraq and Syria. They are staffed with hundreds of soldiers, most I would guess, citizen-soldiers of state national guards. They are totally vulnerable to attack by non-attributable sources. Meaning such attacks are, in our propaganda saturated environment, attributable to any source, including Iran. The escalatory likelihood to total theater war including nuclear initiation should one of the thirty be eliminated is obvious, including a United States Declaration of War.
Chairman C.Q. Brown should immediately inform the President through the Secretary of Defense, that the risks of maintaining the Our Base Structure in Jordan, Iraq and Syria outweigh any military benefit to The United States.
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